Online giving

Thank you for giving to the ministry of Northlight Church!

We offer online giving through two methods.


Firstly you can use your banks Interac e-transfer service to send funds to us through your online banking. 

Login to your banks online banking service and setup an e-transfer to send your funds to

Please note the purpose of your giving in the comments section of the Interac e-transfer service.


Secondly we use for those who want to use a different method to send your funds online. is a bespoke service for churches that handles the whole process of giving and receipting, giving you all the information you need to give and record your giving throughout the year.

There is a transaction fee for us to use this service and an option is given to include covering that fee in your donation. Please don’t feel obligated to do so, the church is prepared to cover those fees.

Please click the link below to start the process.